Prevention and Youth Engagement

Lanarkshire Rape Crisis Centre is passionate about preventing sexual violence before it has the chance to occur. Our Sexual Violence Prevention Practitioner works to deliver prevention programming to schools in North and South Lanarkshire covering topics like: Consent, Power, Understanding Sexual Violence, Online Sexual Violence, & Pornography. This nationally developed programme aims to equip young people with a comprehensive understanding of sexual violence in order to negotiate healthy, equal, and respectful relationships based on consent. 

 Young people are ready to have these important conversations and our practitioner brings expertise, compassion, and support when engaging with young people. All young people are different & each community has their own culture, our centre works with schools and community organisations to meet the needs of the young people accessing the programme, ensuring that all content is age appropriate and relevant.  

We recommend that organisations schedule one or both foundational workshops first (Consent and Power) following with one or all of our building block workshops (Understanding Sexual Violence, Understanding Online Sexual Violence, and Pornography). This order of workshops helps young people understand the basis of consensual relationships and the influence of power dynamics on consent. As young people work through the other content; we continuously reference consent and power throughout the knowledge and skills-based activities. 

 If you would like more information about our prevention programming, please contact our centre at [email protected]. 

Lunch Club 

Our centre is piloting a lunch club programme with a secondary school in South Lanarkshire for the 2024/2025 school year. Our prevention practitioner will be available for lunch with S3/S4 students one day a month to explore further topics related to sexual violence prevention.  

If your organisation is interested in having a similar program, please contact our centre at [email protected].

About our Prevention Practitioner 

Andi is our Sexual Violence Prevention Practitioner at LRCC. Andi comes from Seattle, Washington, living in Scotland since 2022. She has an extensive background working in comprehensive sexual health education, sexual violence prevention, youth violence prevention, and youth engagement work. Andi loves living in Scotland and working with young people across North and South Lanarkshire. She is passionate about preventing gender-based violence, anti-racist work, and her dog Zeppelin. 

We’re continuing to update our website. Be sure to check back for more information and additional resources. 

Prevention Resources: 

Pornography – Infograph

For Parents/Carers

Healthy Masculinities Series Dr Matt Englar Carlson

Porn Literacy Guidance for Parents/Carers (Ages 8-11)

Porn Literacy Guidance for Parents/Carers (Ages 12-15)

Porn Literacy Guidance for Parents/Carers (Ages 16+) 



You are not alone | You are not to blame |  You have rights | You can get help

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