We provide tailored services based on individual need and we will work with you to offer the type and level of support that you need. Language is personal and we respect the language you choose to describe yourself, your sexuality, your gender and your experience of sexual violence.

Being raped or abused because of your sexuality or transgender status is not only an act of sexual violence but also a hate crime and will be treated as such in law. Sexual violence as a form of homophobic hate crime can include so-called ‘corrective rape’ which aims to ‘cure’ people of their chosen sexuality or gender. This can increase the sense of self-blame that many survivors feel, as a core part of your identity has been attacked. No one asks to be sexually assaulted, and the person who is responsible for sexual violence is the perpetrator. Workers at our Centre will be able you to support you to work through all the different feelings that you may have. If there is anything that we need to do to help you to feel safe and supported at our Centre, please let us know and we will try to make it happen.

Many people may be reluctant to report because of a fear of being discriminated against. The Equality Act 2010  is legislation to protect people from discrimination, on the basis of 9 ‘protected characteristics’, which are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage & civil partnership, pregnancy & maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. Information on how to make a complaint is here: Equality Act 2010: guidance – GOV.UK ( In Scotland, Hate Crime legislation also came into force in 2024 and more information is available here: Reporting hate crime – Police Scotland

Useful Links:

Galop – the LGBT+ anti-abuse charity support LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence. National Helpline for LGBT+ Victims and Survivors of Abuse and Violence 0800 999 5428



LGBTI support

Support for lesbian and bisexual women

Support for trans people

Support for intersex people

Support for nonbinary people

Support for gay and bisexual men

You are not alone | You are not to blame |  You have rights | You can get help

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